Community management is now an essential part of a brand’s communication strategy. In the age of 100% digital, companies realise that a good image on social networks is a sine qua non condition for sustaining a business.

The objectives of a Community Management program are multiple:

  • Define the social networks which you must imperatively join according to your activities and your communication objectives
  • Manage your company’s e-reputation
  • Promote your brand, its products, news, promotional offers, events…
  • Establish a dialogue with your customers and prospects
  • Foster social engagement and community feeling
  • Manage comment moderation

Open2Digital, subsidiary of Open2Europe is a European social media agency composed of an international team of creative and ultra-connected community managers They master all social networks, whatever your market: Vkontakte (Russia), Xing (Germany), Weibo and WeChat (China), not to mention Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram? …