Community Management Agency in North America

Created in 2006, Open2Americaaims to support European and Asian organisations wishing to develop their visibility in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Made up of Canadian and American community managers, Open2Americabrings real expertise in these markets, and acts as a liaison with our head office, Open2Europe. Open2Americaalso assists Canadian and American clients with their media and influencer relations campaigns in local markets. locaux.

Brand or product launch, promotion of a know-how or a territory, highlighting of a technological innovation, organisation of speeches by executives, accompaniment of an institutional delegation… theOpen2Americateam will be able to conceive and deploy on and off-line influence strategies that are adapted and efficient to reinforce your reputation with your target audiences (consumers, influencers and other influential stakeholders). It also takes over all the international trade shows based in the United States (from New York to Las Vegas via Washington, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles).