Open2Europe team

Open2Europe team

1st French group to become expert in pan-European communication

Jerome Mauduit

A word from the CEO

Today, A good communications agency must deal with the whole of the current media landscape and no longer be satisfied with traditional press relations (paper, radio, TV and web).

It must adapt and work with new players such as influencers; it must also offer companies advice on digital strategy and community management in order to accompany them in the era of digital transformation.

All brands need an agile and expert partner, capable of supporting them in France and internationally.

Our challenge? To unite individuals and European cultures to create an innovative agency model We encourage creativity and are on the lookout for new practices to implement ambitious and ROI-strong communication strategies that meet the needs of companies in terms of awareness, visibility and business.

Our expertise already benefits more than 120 active clients… We make it our priority to make you become real partners, we go beyond the simple role of an external service provider.

Together, we are ready to build your media coverage. Nothing is impossible, if you give yourself the chance!

Sandrine Freeman

Vice President

Marko Semialjac

Vice President