Press Relations Agency in Africa

 Created in 2012, Open2Africa is the third subsidiary of the Open2Europe group. The aim is to support African companies in their international development by offering them tailor-made business development and marketing communication services adapted to the challenges and problems of the various European, Asian and American markets.

Bringing together a team made up of consultants with real experience of these markets, Open2Africa develops and implements influence strategies that precisely meet the expectations of African clients (Senegal, South Africa, West and Central African countries), and acts as a liaison with our head office, Open2Europe, to deploy their communication campaigns on other continents. Open2Africa is also the entry platform to the African continent for European, Asian and North American brands who wish to conquer the African markets.

Brand or product launch, promotion of a know-how, a territory or a destination, organisation of speeches by executives, accompaniment on national and international fairs… the Open2Africa team will be able to conceive and deploy on and offline influence strategies adapted and efficient to reinforce your reputation with your target audiences (consumers, prescribers and other influential stakeholders).