Press Relations Agency in China

Open2Chinaprovides European companies with a range of services to help them define and implement their development and communication strategy on the Chinese market, such as:

  • Business development advice on the markets concerned (market and feasibility studies, advice on the establishment strategy, etc.)
  • Support in the search for Chinese commercial partners.
  • Definition and operational implementation of a public relations strategy, media relations and influencers.
  • Development of a digital communication strategy: creation of websites, management of your social networks…
  • Translation services.

Our Open2Chinateam collaborates with all media and helps you build trusting relationships between your brand and key market influencers: journalists, bloggers, KOLs (opinion leaders) and influential communities on social networks.

Our media consultants can also help you organise your events, which are essential for developing brand awareness in China: press conferences, press tours, product launches, international delegation trips, etc.

We publicise your presence at international trade and consumer shows based in China (Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Guangzhou or Hong Kong). These major events are great opportunities to meet the media, promote your products, services and innovations, and optimise your notoriety.

Our teams of Chinese community managers can also advise you on the definition and implementation of your digital communication strategy on social networks (Weibo, WeChat, etc.).
To optimise the management of your communication between the two continents, Open2Europe provides the clients with a coordination unit based in Paris with Chinese consultants.