Sustainable Development Press Relations Agency

From the environment (biodiversity, green spaces, water purification, waste-to-energy, site decontamination, recycling, etc.) to renewable energies (wind, solar, photovoltaic, hydraulic, etc.), including land use planning (public works, eco-construction, sustainable building, etc.), not forgetting the traditional sectors of transport, mobility, etc., our team puts its experience and expertise to good use.

In addition, in permanent contact with the various areas of expertise, our sustainable development experts can also provide ad hoc support to players in the agri-food, high-tech and tourism sectors on targeted issues.

Organising a press conference via sequenced press releases targeted by type of press, thematic round tables bringing together experts and stakeholders, positioning an open forum in the economic or specialised press, these are just a few examples of the many tools put in place to promote your messages and expertise.

And since meetings with the various publics and the media are essential to assert your views and publicise your commitments and actions, our team accompanies you to major trade fairs (Pollutec, EcoBat, Produrable) or public fairs (Natexpo, Salon de l’Agriculture, etc.) and at major events (Sustainable Development Week, Cop21, etc.).

Moreover, thanks to a team of consultants of more than 20 European nationalities as well as its subsidiaries Open2China, Open2America, and Open2Africa based in strategic locations for each of the continents covered, Open2Europe ensures international communication.

Our Open2Digitalteam will also be able to advise you on the definition and operational implementation of your influence strategy via social networks: Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.