Consumer Press Relations Agency

Products or services, household appliances, equipment or accessories for the home, furniture and tableware, the PR team, experts in the FMCG sector, develop PR strategies that are part of a global communication plan or via tailor-made systems.

The aim? To promote products, brands and companies (start-ups, independent companies, distributors) by activating the PR levers that will arouse the interest of today’s over-solicited media.

Our target audience? The trade press (market and distribution), the general public press (decoration, home, women’s, men’s, general consumer, lifestyle, family, etc.) but also the decoration/home/lifestyle influencers with the support of our influence agency Open2Influence.

To do this, our press consultants develop a range of tools (press releases, teasers, expert opinions, “did you know”, etc.) and organise press and influencer events (press trips, press conferences, press breakfasts, round tables, etc.).

Similarly, our team accompanies you to all events related to the lifestyle, decoration and furniture sectors, such as the Paris Fair, Maison & Objet in Paris or the IFA in Berlin.

For international support, the team relies on our European consultants within Open2Europe andon its foreign subsidiaries: Open2China, Open2Americaand Open2Africa.

To enrich your PR campaign, our Open2Digital team will also advise you on the definition and operational implementation of your influence and community management strategy via social networks: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc.