Community Management Agency

Community management is now an essential part of a brand’s communication strategy. In the age of 100% digital, companies realise that a good image on social networks is a sine qua non condition for sustaining a business. The objectives of a Community Management...

Digital Strategy Agency

Some key points to a successful Digital Strategy: Divide and target to better influenceA blogger, an influencer or an active member of social networks (journalist, personality, expert, tweeters or Instagrammers, etc.) will address a community that is committed to and...

Consumer Research Agency

Open2Europe and its digital agency Open2Digital are able to help your company and present you with mappings conveying the typology of your consumers in order to help you reach them with adapted communication and messages meeting their expectations. Media Monitoring...

E-reputation Agency

Monitoring your E-reputation through an online presence Open2Digital’s operational and web marketing know-how means that we can provide a perfectly balanced service and keep a close eye on content. This allows us to moderate the reactions of our followers with...

Digital Image Agency

Communicating on the web implies having a perfectly mastered digital image, whether it be for your website or social networks. All channels must reflect the same image of your company in order to guarantee the best possible...