Editorial Communication Agency

Companies have never written and communicated as much as they do today: press releases, newsletters, messages on social networks, white papers, opinion pieces, infographics, scripted videos, etc. When it comes to editorial communication, the issue is not only knowing...

Influencer Relations Agency

With the development of the web, Influencer Relations have become an essential component of media relations. Instagrammers, bloggers, tweeters and youtubers now benefit from an audience and credibility within the digital sphere that gives them a power of influence...

Influencer typologies Agency

Open2Europe and its influence agency Open2Influence can help you implement a customised influence marketing strategy based on Influencer typologies and on your objectives in terms of visibility, awareness and business. Our Influence team will help you determine which...

Macro-influencers Agency

The term “macro-influencer” is often used in contrast to “micro-influencer” to designate the most famous or even “star” influencers on social networks with a large audience, numbering in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of...

Micro-influencer Agency

The Influence world has become inescapable today, however it is very vast sector. The micro-influencer alone is a sub-category and a real lever in the implementation of a digital strategy to improve the natural referencing of a brand or of its e-reputation. What is a...