Paid Influence Strategy Agency

Influencers are nowadays new communication levers for brands. While some micro-influencers are still willing to create posts or stories promoting a brand, simply because they are testing products/services, inviting people to events or simply because they like the...

Opinion & Influence Strategy Agency

The Opinion & Influence Strategy is expressed through the implementation of relevant and effective content that generates visibility, support and commitment via the various information channels. Open2Europe develops each opinion strategy by using the power,...

Press Release Agency

Open2Europe can assist you in writing and distributing press releases on all international markets thanks to the various teams of consultants that come from 20 different countries. The press release is one of the main press relations tools for journalists. Its purpose...

Media Relations 2.0 Agency

In the age of the social web and digital technology, press relations have taken on a new dimension; they are becoming more digital and more involved in social media. Today, we talk more about e-PR or digital press relations or even influencer relations. In the context...

Media Relations Agency

Our teams of international media consultants and press consultants will develop and implement your media relations strategy in line with your objectives: corporate and crisis, product and brand, B2B and B2C. They will be able to define your messages and prioritise...